Institutional Performance
Confidently assess, prioritize and forecast performance.
Institutional Health Assessment
CFO Colleague is uniquely positioned to assess the financial and operational health of any size college or university. Our unique blend of metrics, developed over years of engagements will identify where attention is merited, along with highlighting what is performing well. By comparing significant expense categories against key revenues over time, it is possible to focus on where output/input relationships deteriorated and why they did so. From there, realignment efforts can be targeted toward the areas of greatest need.
The Marginal Revenue Analysis (MRA)
Think fast: Which academic programs are most advantageous to your institution? If you can’t answer that question, it’s all but impossible to make strategic investments in the future flagships that will differentiate your school. So how do you decide which programs to cultivate and which to curtail? Whether you need to vet a new initiative or assess those already in place, we can show you how to evaluate the costs and potential long-term ROI of your academic programs using data you already have.
Putting together a forward-looking financial plan is a task CFOs have on their list but rarely devote the time and energy to put it together. We have done that work for you. More than 80 institutions have overhauled their forecasting process with our free multi-year model called COMP4cast®. Interactive, transparent and endorsed by your peers, your entire team sees the driving data in real time, answering “What if?” questions with immediate results.

We can help you…
- Identify how well academic departments are contributing, both by percentage of net student revenue and total dollars contributed
- Outline actionable steps to improve the rate of contribution for programs that lag behind expectations
- Strategically reallocate resources to invest in higher Contribution programs
- Evaluate new program proposals through an objective lens, encouraging data-informed decisions, not hunches
- Immediately see how small changes in any one activity, price or discount will shift financial and operational outcomes for the next 5 years
- Model financial outcomes that yield full sets of prospective financial statements, including CFI and DOE ratios
- Create an actionable roadmap that links strategic initiatives with sound financial planning
Find out what the numbers say.
See what our colleagues have to say
How we work
Engagements typically last about two days and require a handful of data from you. In our work together, we’ll show you how to use this evaluation tool to better understand revenue and cost behaviors of programs. We’ll also teach you how to keep it updated, so you can independently perform your own best-in-class analyses for years to come. In other words, the cost of continuation is essentially free.