Free Resources

Not free (with a subscription) or free (when you engage our services). Just free.

You’ll find many of the evaluation tools we use during our engagements right here, available for download with no strings attached. Why? Because we think experience should be a shared asset, and it’s our pleasure to provide guidance to our fellow CFOs whenever we can.

We do think, however, that you’ll benefit from having one of us show you the ropes—especially for our more robust tools, like COMP4cast. You’ll shorten your learning curve significantly and be well-equipped to show the rest of your team how to use them, too.

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A comprehensive forecasting tool designed specifically for private higher education institutions, COMP4cast creates five-year financial statements that include CFI and DOE ratios, along with statements of cash flows, activities and position.

Sustainability Scorecard

From our extensive network of clients, we have observed certain financial outcomes that accompany success. Too often, a school stumbles even though its federal ratio has been positive for years. We want to avoid that. Our four-part scorecard weaves together the impact of net tuition revenue changes, capital investment, cash resources, and the bottom line to generate an institutional health metric. Managing the components of this instrument can deliver positive outcomes for the long term, helping you move from surviving to thriving.

Benchmarks for the Resource Constrained

Developed over a period of years and based on visits to a variety of institutions, these standards provide a diagnostic for those who perennially struggle to get their ship righted.

Non-Traditional Revenue Projection Model (RPM)

Many have cohort-based non-traditional programs that start at various times during the year. This model helps nail down what year and how much revenue applies to each program and location.

New Program Evaluation Toolkit (NPET)

What will the investment really be? How realistic are the returns being expected? Who is responsible for the delivery of key outcomes? This workbook leads those involved with designing and implementing new programs through a series of critical questions and analyses to ensure as many considerations as possible are evaluated before deploying a new initiative.

The Chart of Accounts

An ongoing struggle for many higher education institutions, the chart of accounts has often been incrementally modified so many times that the natural logic behind its original structure no longer applies. Here is CFO Colleague’s proposed approach to the chart of accounts, which reflects the information needs of today’s institution and can be used as a jumping off point for those looking to revise their current chart.