
To Retain Control, GapSource

To Retain Control, GapSource

As CFOs and their teams prep for the annual audit, some reflection is warranted. How much of what you are frantically trying to analyze and tie out could have been updated at an earlier time or kept current throughout the year? What keeps you from...

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Tuition Discounting and Strategy

Tuition Discounting and Strategy

With the latest NACUBO survey reporting an average discount rate for private schools exceeding 50% and other analyses showing softness in student demand, one has to wonder how these two factors will play out. In our experience with over eighty schools of various...

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When a Lawyer isn’t Enough

When a Lawyer isn’t Enough

An attorney friend specializes in health care and higher education.  His assistance has been invaluable, ensuring that contractual provisions don’t put us in a legal trap at some future point.  He will tell you, however, that the work performed by his firm...

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Are you an investor, a harvester or just one who hopes?

In an interview for an upcoming book, the author asked me to characterize the nature of private higher education at this time. It just so happened that a colleague had asked the same question about a week ago, affording time for reflection. My response is that...

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Student to faculty relationship versus ratio

Thinking back on my undergraduate years, a handful of relationships stand out four decades hence. Lifelong friendships were forged during those years, including one with a girlfriend who became my wife. Various speakers graced our campus with pearls of...

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